Rush River 6.18.17 — Week in Review

I was able to fish the Rush a couple times this week. Nymphing was the most productive, especially in the hour or two before dark. The bigger fish seemed to head to the riffles just as the sun got below the horizon, and I was able to catch a few in the 14-16 range — too dark for photos, unfortunately. The same, standard nymphs — Pheasant Tails, Euro PTs, and midges — did the job, although more fish have favored the midge lately. There was a really good midge hatch yesterday with lots of rises for about an hour, but after going through my fly box I could only get one to take a purple Hippie Stomper — I just didn’t have any midge dries that were small enough to match the hatch. Sulphurs were coming off in good numbers earlier this week as well, with lots of rising right before dark.

Now is definitely the time to focus on the early mornings and late evenings. Staying after dark to swing some streamers can be productive too!

Beautiful night on the Rush.
