Rush River 5.30.16

I introduced my cousin Angy and her boyfriend Reed to fly fishing on the Rush for a couple hours tonight. We began the outing nymphing, but after seeing a few rises I tied on Bread and Butter Caddis on one of the rods. Angy quickly caught a couple small browns.
Angy's first fish on a fly.
Angy’s first fish on a fly.

Reed eventually got on the board with this nice brookie

This was one of the darkest red brookies I have seen.

Angy ended up catching five browns and one brookie on the caddis dry, while Reed was able to bring just that one to hand on a caddis larva. I was able to pick off seven myself, including one around 13″.

We saw a few caddis flying around and many sulphurs came off as it got later in the evening.

Aric fished by himself and caught 20 fish total, including several over 12″. He was nymphing with a pheasant tail and zebra midge. Here is one fish he caught when we ran into him.


With the weather cooling down a bit over the next couple days, we should have some great fishing this week!
