We fished the Rush last night from about 5:00 to 9:00. Low and clear water along with a hot a sunny day made for slow fishing for the first couple hours. I was only able to pull two fish out of the first couple runs while Aric was still fishless. As the sun began to set the fishing started picking up. We ended up with around 15 fish between us, with almost all of them caught after 7:30. There was some rising later in the evening as well, and I was able to bring two to hand on a size 20 BWO Sparkle Dun after they refused my caddis. The rest of the fish were caught on pheasant tails and zebra midges. Most of the fish caught on nymphs were in riffles less than 18″ deep.
Aric with one of the better fish of the evening.
Looks like we’re going to get a good soaking this week, which should help the fishing conditions as we head into June.