We fished the Rush today from about 1:30 to 5:00. As soon as we reached the stream we saw fish rising everywhere. Aric tied on a parachute BWO, while I kept on my trusted hotspot pheasant tail and zebra midge rig. The first run produced three small trout, before I noticed two browns in the 15-17″ range rising in the next seam. I had Aric come take over with his dry fly, and he soon had 10 and 12″ browns to hand that took the dry downstream of the big guys. The big guys came to the surface to investigate his fly a handful of times, but unfortunately never committed. I decided to go after them with my nymph rig, and after a few drifts, my indicator plunged underwater. He put up a good fight as he navigated the boulders, but after a little more than five minutes, he was finally in the net.
Throughout the rest of the outing I caught 8-10 more, mostly small browns and brookies. Aric ended up with six, all on a parachute BWO. It was definitely nice to see some bigger fish on the surface!
This 16-incher is my second biggest Wisconsin trout.